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Sound Healing

Biosonic sound healing involves the use of specifically tuned therapeutic instruments, such as tuning forks, to create soothing sounds and frequencies.

How can Sound Healing help?


During a biosonic sound healing session, the practitioner applies these instruments to different parts of the body or around the energy field, allowing the vibrations to penetrate deeply into the cells. The sound waves produced by these instruments help to harmonize the body's energy centres, known as chakras, and release any blockages or stagnant energy.


The healing vibrations produced by biosonic sound therapy can have a profound effect on the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and tension, improve sleep quality, enhance focus and concentration, and promote a sense of inner peace and clarity.


Many people find biosonic sound healing to be a deeply relaxing and transformative experience. It can be used as a standalone therapy or as a complementary approach to other healing modalities.


Whether you are seeking relief from physical discomfort, emotional stress, or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, biosonic sound healing can provide a gentle and effective solution.

Image by Jackson Hendry

Alternative Healing

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